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Success is Counted Sweetest

Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple host
Who took the flag to-day
Can tell the definition,
So clear, of victory!

As he, defeated, dying,
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Burst agonized and clear!

I still remember this poem by Emily Dickinson like it just yesterday when I heard it. I was in form four and I was in Literature class during that time. The teacher forced all of us in class to memorize it by heart. It was an experimental class, and it was to see if the school can include English Literature in our SPM paper besides the normal English paper and 1119.

There were only a few of us inside the class. Many would end up dropping the subject by end of form four. In the end, the whole class was disbanded and the idea of having a fulltime literature class never matured. I enjoyed the class very much as it didn't have that crowded feeling during lessons. The only draw back was it had to be conducted after normal schooling session.

True as it maybe, the loser knows the meaning of victory better than the winner. When there is a winner, there will be losers. The pain of losing and the anguish of defeat will give further understanding of how deep the meaning of victory to the loser. The winner on the other hand will never know how agonizing it is to be in the losing side and he will only know of his victory and never be able to appreciate truly.

I never won anything before, and I've never been on the top position in my entire life. There are people in front of me every time and I just can't find away to surpassed them. Maybe I was destined to be the number two or maybe I was just destined to loss in life. It's hard but the harder that I try the harder, I fall.

Nevertheless I never gave up. I know somewhere in the future there will be a time for me to be in front…on the top. It's the same with everyone else. It's just a waiting game for us all here on earth. Until that day comes (I hope soon), I will cherish my understanding of “success”

PS: My girlfriend will laugh at me when she read this.../(^_^)\
