How much are you guys paying for your Internet access? I’m on TM Net Streamyx, the whole package cost me RM99 (USD26.97) a month. I choose Streamyx because due to the lack of alternative services from other Malaysian Internet service providers like Jaring, NasionCom and TIME dotNet. I have no complaints yet on the services provided by Streamyx, but I heard in some parts of Malaysia the line is quit bad. Network interruption, disconnection, and slow bandwidth
Anyway this is my current bandwidth reading; I’m using Jaring Bandwidth Test for the test even thought Streamyx has their own Streamyx Speedo Meter Test. Just for safety reason, it’s better to have a third party test reading.

PS: I just want to ask those who live outside Malaysia, is this consider fast?Labels: Tech
i'd say tat's pretty good mate! im on a 1.5Mbps line in Australia. They've recently upgraded the ADSL1 here, so we might get 8Mbps pretty soon. Unless the ADSL2+ miraculously gets installed at my exchange soon, i'd be getttin up to 20Mbps.
but yeah ur speed's good. which part of msia do u live in? im plannin to get streamyx (rm88 i think) when i get back to sarawak. telekom's opposite my house so i hope tat helps wif the speed.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:09 am
p/s get another test at, check to see the international speed. cheers!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:10 am
I'm staying here in Penang.Good luck on getting your streamyx dude.
By the way I tested the line using for international speed...the result was super snail speed. Got 0.5 out of 5 star...thanks anyway...
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:58 pm