Train Man
Densha Otoku (Train Man) is another Japanese TV drama that is shown here in Malaysia. Over the past years, TV dramas from Japan and South Korea have been flooding our TV airwave day and night. Not that it's boring, but it shows that our own Malaysian drama lacks the attraction factor and local TV stations are snubbing them slowly for these imported TV dramas. Who knows, maybe someday we will have TV dramas from Timbuktu (^_^#)

Let's get back to Densha Otoku anyway (^.^) Purportedly based on a true story, it tells a journey of a young otaku (a computer geek in Japanese) who accidentally save a few women from a drunkard in a train (that's where the name Densha Otoku derived).
In doing so he landed himself the ultimate chance to date one of the women he saves, who he refer to his Internet chatting friends as Hermès. The drama becomes more interesting with the involvement of his chatting friends who gave him advices and courage to confront Hermès (^-^)
I haven't seen the whole episode yet, but I can say it's somewhat funny to see. It's hard to predict the ending. I know, I can find something in the Internet but I won't. It's worth the waiting for.
PS: I forgot to tell you; we also have China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Latin Countries TV dramas here.
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