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Hazy Predicament

As usual, hazy condition is still chocking us here. Better start smoking if you haven’t started yet. At least you know what you are inhaling (just joking, smoking is bad for us)

I just can’t understand on how we Malaysian can stand the state that we are in now? For crying out loud, the haze is killing us slowly. Taking seconds, minutes, hours even days of our lives. Just think what it might do to babies. Just think what it could do to our countries future. What are we waiting for? When do we take action? Do you want people to die one by one and then only take action?

It is alarming that every year we have to put with this situation. For once let it stop, we need to breathe. It is not like food and water. Without both we still can live for a few days. But without oxygen we die instantly.

Blaming is not what I want to convey here. Pleading is more accurate. I know clearing these areas is important for you to earn money to feed your family. I know it is not totally your fault at all. Some bigger corporation might have played a role in this problem also. Blaming each other is not the solution.

We need a solid and long term solution here. We need an understanding between countries to put a stop on the problem.

For me, all I can do is hope for it to rain. I wish I can do more but what can this ape do?

I have to go now. The match between England and Macedonia is starting. Who do you think would win? I will go with England (3:0)

PS: rambling of an ape
