27 August 2007

The Dream

I need help…can anyone enlighten me a bit? I’ve been bombarded with the same kind of dream for a while now…It doesn’t always come in a perfect carbon copy shape every time, but it has the same message tuck in it… Here’s the variation of the dream that I’ve been having…

1. I suddenly realise that I haven’t been studying a single thing and there is an exam tomorrow.
2. I woke up late for my exam…
3. My assignment due date is near but I haven’t done anything…I can’t even remember what I’m suppose to do.
4. I forgot to submit my presentation…

It’s all about me being late for something and it’s always got to do with me during my Uni days…

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24 August 2007

Life Is...

My eyes are hurting from too much mp3…I think it’s the headphones. Anyway…what do you know…another post for August….huh!? That was very fast… oh no...another month down the drain…well?

I like the smell of hamsters…I’m “addicted” to it…scoope the little buggers in my hands and sniff a bit…maybe it’s the sunflower seed (kuaci)…but then again…it’s just plain old hamster BO…ok that’s enough…

I’m trying my best to live a “Simple Life”. Cutting cost here and there…It’s kinda boring when you have to cut down on your outings…must be strong…cut cost on everything…but still it’s not enough…taking so much time…my life is…work…eat…work…eat…sleep…everyday…I think I’ll just make an excuse (buy kuaci for hamsters) and go out a bit…


23 August 2007


I needed some fresh air to clear off my mind from work and this unintended blog of mind... I need to do something else productive at least…and maybe lose some weight in the process. I can’t fit into my fav jeans anymore…dang! Everything is falling down the hill…my health, my work (passion)….except for my relationship…Its growing everyday…

I started walking up to my apartment bypassing the lift for some cheap thrills…who needs a “Fitness First” when you can get a 17th story staircase work out everyday for free (I’m tempted to go all the way up)…my wallet is bleeding dry anyway.

I haven’t been downloading my usual anime suspect…the broadband line was on snail mode again. Right now I’m looking forward on setting a low cost downloading server at home. All those years of collecting computer junk will finally do something good…I hope…wish that I can do something with the broadband…heck!

That’s my August post for now…
