I didn’t do anything much today. Watch TV and sleep all day long. I manage to take a picture of Penang Bridge and downtown Georgetown this morning. After last night heavy downpour the sky was all clear in the morning. However around 1pm in the afternoon, the haze came back.

I really can’t imagine how much burning you have to do to create such stubborn haze. Complaining won’t take you anywhere, I just have to bare with it. Don’t now for how long, but you have asked yourself how much forest do they have left to burn? Around 7pm the rain started again. I was dark and cold, plus hazy. So much for going to the nearest mamak stalls for Chelsea’s match.
By the way, I went to Giant with the gang to buy some groceries supply for next week. My taste bud was itching for some beer. While looking for my Anchor beer I stumbled upon two bottle of ginger beer. One was around RM3+ and the other one was around RM4+. I took both just for my curiosity. Haven’t opened it yet, I want to chill it first (^-^)…hope it taste good…
PS: How’s your holiday going on???
Labels: Rants